Friday, June 01, 2007

God's Beautiful Church


My wife Jeannette and I recently experienced four powerful days with approximately 800 other Christians who have that in common that we all work for Youth With A Mission ( in Europe. People came from countries as different as Spain, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Germany, Norway and Northern Ireland. It was wonderful to be in this international atmosphere and celebrate God together!

There were many times of wonderful worship where we acknowledged God as our Father, Sustainer, Provider and Comforter. Wonderful to worship God with so many different people in different languages!

There were many challenges during the different seminars, workshops and big gatherings where the international YWAM leaders Lynn Green, Braulia Ribeiro and YWAM's founder, Loren Cunningham were sharing. God is up to something great in Europe! God wants to change Europe! God wants to revive his Church in Europe! Europe is not forgotten or abandoned by God! Hallelujah!

At a personal level, it was exciting to meet other Danish YWAM'ers and hear about some of the good things that are going on in my little nation. God is good! And God hasn't even given up on Denmark! I joke with Dutch people that Denmark and Holland are rivals in terms of being the most ungodly nation in Europe. Maybe that's about to change? Maybe Denmark and Holland will rise as some of the forerunners for the spiritual awakening that's coming in Europe? Some say the party is over....that God is gone in'a lie! It's Satan's lie! We are not praying "Your will be done, your kingdom come on earth (but not in Europe!) as it is in heaven"....! Or do we?....

We participated in The Global Day of Prayer ( on the day of Pentecost. What a powerful morning! What a privilege to be in prayer in front of the throne of God with millions of other Christians all over the world! There was a time of true repentance, , prayer and worship. What a wonderful God we serve!

What is God doing in your life? In your city? In your country? I would love to hear comments from you, dear blog reader!

God bless you!


1 comment:

Tom said...

Sounds like an awesome get-together... I'm always in awe when I see so many types of people come together in unity in the name of Jesus... its exciting stuff... the one we will have in heaven will rock the socks off any earthly conference too =)