Monday, September 24, 2007

How Great Is Our God

Great song by Chris Tomlin. Watch the video, enjoy the song and the pictures, and worship the Creator of the Universe who dwells within each one of his children. What a wonder!:-)


Saturday, September 15, 2007

When God Ran

God is not disappointed with you, mad at you, angry at you, disinterested in you....he is running to you! The God of the Universe, the Mighty Warrior of Heaven runs to you! He loves you just the way you are. No matter how many times you've behaved like a prodigal son or daughter, he still loves you. He always has, he always will! He will never reject you!

God bless you as you listen to this song!

Revelation needed

We're now 15 short days away from the next Discipleship Training School (DTS) starting here in Kiev. We've had a wonderful time of preparation as staff, where we've focused a lot less on leadership principles, techniques, laws, etc. and a lot more on God, God's character, God's grace and God's ability to work through our brokenness.

The school verse is from Ephesians 1:17 - a wonderful verse that shows our dependency on God!

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better"

We need God's revelation. Without it all we have is words. Lot of them. But the students and ourselves don't need more words and information, we need more revelation.

So that's what we pray about, and we trust that God will give it!

God bless!


Thursday, September 06, 2007

A place called grace

Listen to this wonderful song, enjoy the video and come to the place of Grace and know that your heavenly Father is always out searching for you! He loves you just the way you are!

God bless you!

Uhhh...what did she just say??

Some questions are just really hard to answer...;-)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

About loneliness

If there is one topic we as Christians try to avoid it's definitely loneliness! The truth is that all people are lonely. C. S. Lewis once said that we suffer from "lifelong nostalgia". We know we were created for the Garden of Eden, and we long to be back there. Paul, in Romans 8, talks about all of creation groaning and looking forward to the day where the life we were created for will be revealed.

If you google loneliness+Christian you'll find that apparently the only people who are lonely are: singles, divorced people, and people with counselling-worthy depressions......!....

I did, however, find one gold nugget out on the world wide web, that I'll link to and encourage you to read. The author has a lot of the same thoughts about loneliness that I do, so I'm just gonna let him speak on my behalf for now.


God bless and meet you in your loneliness! "Our souls are ever restless until they find their rest in you" - St. Augustine


Saturday, September 01, 2007

What God wants from you?

What does God want from me? What are his requirements on me?

The disciples asked Jesus that question and he gave an interesting answer.

John 6:28-29: "What must we DO to do the works God requires? Jesus answered: The work of God is this to BELIEVE in the one he has sent"

That's it. It's that simple. All you must do is believe in Jesus. Abide in him. Rest in him. Be who you are in him. Be the Beloved son or daughter of God.

That's it. He is the vine.

Why is it that the Church so often puts heavy burdens on Christians? Why are so many Christians so tired? When Christ said these words: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28)

Abide in Christ!

God bless!

Leading from brokenness

It just hit me how Peter is a wonderful example of somebody who had to lead in his brokenness. Everybody in the early Church knew Peter as Christ's apostle, and one of his closest friends, but first and foremost he was known as the disciple who had failed Jesus on the evening of Christ's crucifixion through claiming not to know him and even swear that he didn't know him.

Talk about brokenness....being known as a deserter of the one who called you to lead a Church that was gonna change the world upside down.

I love Peter. I love his openness, frankness, big head, faith in himself, and how through his life as a disciple he came to the point of brokenness. He came to the place where all of us need to come to, where we're at the end of our rope, at the end of our own strength, and we have to surrender to Christ and accept the fact that we can't do it, we need Christ to live through us.

And then he was ready to lead. Ready to lead not out of his own strength, but in Christ's strength.

Many Christian leaders have told me that you should never say "I don't know" to people you're leading. I firmly disagree. I've also been told that you can't show weakness, and that you're struggling with different problems when you lead. I firmly disagree.

A good, Christian leader is open about his own brokenness. Is open about the fact that him/her does not have it all together. Is open about the fact that he is on the journey with Christ himself. He hasn't arrived.

If I as a leader want my students/followers to know what openness and brokenness is, I need to model it. And thank God, I have a man like Peter to look at.

God bless!
