In Rostov-on-Don we were studying Romans, which - as always - was wonderful!
We didn't have time to study the whole book in depth, but we did look at Romans 1-8 using the inductive study method, where we allow the Bible to speak for itself, instead of forcing our theology down on the Bible texts (maybe I should write another blog about the inductive method some other time?).
In chapter 7 Paul shows how life is for anybody who tries to live up to God's law in their own strength ("the things I don't want to do, I end up doing. And what I want to do, I don't do!). In chapter 8 Paul explodes in joy and shouts out all the wonderful blessings that are available, if you live in God's grace and walk in the power of his Holy Spirit. And that is for all, no matter if you have Jewish, Gentile or any other background!
Here are the Top 10 blessings when you live in God's grace according to Romans chapter 8 - enjoy!:
1. Peace (8:1) - no matter the circumstances, you can experience and live in God's peace
2. Life (8:6) - there is life and joy when you abide in God and trust his promises and principles
3. Wonderful relationship to God as our Father (8:15-16) - The Holy God of the Universe is our Father! Wow!!
4. Access to God's riches (8:17a) - what Christ has is yours, you are co-heir with Jesus Christ to all heaven's riches!
5. Privilege of suffering for Christ (8:17b-18) - might sound like a weird blessing, but many Christians can testify to a fantastic intimacy and a fantastic growth in their relationship with God during suffering for Christ!
6. Power of the Holy Spirit (8:26) - The Holy Spirit lives in you. He helps you, he guides you and he constantly intercedes for you!
7. Assurance that God loves us (8:28) - God loves you just the way you are!
8. Promise that we'll get all we need (8:31-32) - God, your Father, takes care of you and will give you all you need!
9. Victory over all evil (8:37) - God if for us! Who can be against us?
10.Assurance of remaining in God's love (8:38-39) - God will never let you go! He'll always love you!
Praise God!
Torben - here is a picture of the DTS class in Rostov
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