Friday, December 29, 2006

The Da Vinci Google


Merry Christmas and happy new year!

I've had some thoughts since I saw The Da Vinci Code on DVD a couple of weeks ago. I had some expectations when I sat down to watch the movie. I expected it to be somewhat original and interesting, but I have to say that I was very disappointed. The whole thing with Mary Magdalene that the storyline is built around is just an old fairytale that comes out in public every few hundred years or so. Nothing new there. No new material. Nothing that could even hint at any proof of Jesus Christ ever being married. And most of the material Dan Brown was using looked like it was simply found through the computer owner's best friend If you google Mary Magdalene you'll find the different stories that Brown built the book and the movie on, and I suppose it does take some talent to do that. That Brown sees himself as a historian is entertaining, but at least I have to give him that he gave a good introduction to Postmodern history and philosophy understanding.

Postmodernism in its extreme form which Dan Brown seems to support, tells us that EVERYTHING written in history books in the past needs to be re-written because it is flawed, based on kings and their victories, and does in no way tell the little man's story. So that's what postmodern scholars try to do now. They tell the little man or especially woman's story, and in that tradition The Da Vinci Code fits right in. I will leave it do you, dear reader, to find out for yourself, whether that's real history.

Even though I thought The Da Vinci Code was a royal waste of time, I'm happy that Christianity is so popular these days! Considering that most people in the Western World don't believe in the God of the Bible or Jesus Christ, it's impressive to see the amount of books and movies that are made these years to combat the socalled dead Christianity...(I am planning on buying The God Delusion and read that to see if the reknown atheist Richard Dawkins has come up with any original thoughts against Christianity)

I'm also happy that the challenges from books and movies force Christians to find out why they believe what they believe. As I always tell my DTS-students: "God gave you a brain, use it!". Maybe we'll get a little wiser and trust God a little more, if we examine the true roots of our faith? I believe so!


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